Author packages
Are you a new author just starting out?
Not sure where to start in your self-publishing journey?
We offer a range of starter packages that may help you take that first step and help you get started on your self-publishing journey.
PACKAGE 3- starting from £999*+VAT
Front Cover Design(s)
Promo Image(s)
Formatting of e-book(s) and paperback(s)
Guide on how to self-publish
10% discount on a signing table at Hudson Indie Ink book signing event.
Edit of manuscript(s)
Social Media set up
Website build and 12 months domain cost
Brand Logo Design
Promotional campaign across social media and mailshots with over 100k reach.
This will include a feature in Hudson Indie Ink social media and Blog.

We can help.
We are a publishing house with a difference and care about your brand, your hopes and dreams, but most importantly, your work.
Please register your interest by filling out the application form and clicking on the below button. We use google docs for our application forms and promise not to withhold any of your data without your permission.
You can access our Terms & Conditions in our footer links.